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Parenthood can be a daunting and isolating time for any parent. This year our Year 11 students were able to gain a very realistic understanding of these challenges in a way we hadn’t seen before. Melbourne’s lockdown 5.0 hit us right in the middle of the Health and Human Development parenting experience, and because of this, our young parents were thrust into a word of isolation and uncertainty – not too dissimilar from the feelings that many new parents have experienced. 

A big part of this experience was for our Year 11 students to gain an understanding, of not only the roles and responsibilities of parents, but also the support offered to young parents. Without their social group to fall back on, our Year 11 students were needing to seek the support of their families. From the feedback we have received, our Year 11 students thoroughly enjoyed this experience, although are still recovering from the lack of sleep. Their parents (our babies’ grandparents) offered much-needed support throughout this time, not only to the babies but also to their parents.

We thank all students, and their families, who were a part of this engaging and immersive learning experience.

Sarah Davies - Head of Learning - Health and Physical Education