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Year 10 Ethics Day Seminar

Last Thursday marked another successful Ethics Seminar Day here at Hume Anglican Grammar. The seminar provides Year 10 students with a learning experience that sees them explore real-life scenarios, considering the often difficult decisions that people make, and the ethical theories behind them.  

While Ethics is part of the Humanities core curriculum, it also provides students a unique opportunity to explore key elements of the VCE Units 1 and 2 Religion and Society Course, offered in Year 11. 

Throughout the session, students worked collaboratively in their homework groups to apply their theoretical learning to justify what course of action they would take to various situations, presenting their ideas together as part of an assessment task. Students were actively engaged and challenged throughout the seminar and should be praised for their excellent contributions. Well done Year 10!

Kaye Elvin - Head of Learning - Humanities (Secondary)