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Vision for Teaching and Learning

At the end of last term, students in Years 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10 and 11 completed the online Pivot surveys on Teaching and Learning at the school. These surveys provided teachers with invaluable feedback on their teaching practice. Teachers are now setting professional goals based on the feedback they received. The surveys will be administered again at the end of Terms 2, 3 and 4, so that teachers can compare the feedback received and track changes in student perceptions of teaching and learning practice. Here at Hume, we view student voice as integral to improving teaching and learning.

This term is set to be another busy one, with a focus this term, in the teaching and learning realm, on the next step in the process of our formulation of a new Vision For Teaching and Learning for Hume Anglican Grammar, which no doubt you have heard about, in previous newsletters from Term 1. This Vision will take the form of a statement of what we stand for, what we aim for and what we value about teaching and learning here at Hume, as well as the learner attributes that we uphold and nurture as essential for 21st century, future-focused learning. My Teaching and Learning Leadership Team are in the process of engaging with the current best-practice research on 21st century pedagogy and future-focused teaching and learning. This will inform the questions that we write for the focus groups, the interviews and the surveys that we will be holding and administering, for you, the stakeholders in our school community. We look forward to your voices being heard so that we can utilise your invaluable input for refined teaching and learning practice into the future. Look out for incoming communication on focus groups, interviews and surveys in the coming weeks.

One final note on teaching and learning for this newsletter: I would like to remind all parents and students of the important place that a school library holds in a school and in student learning. In the coming weeks, months and years will be continuing to invest in our library – in what we see as a dynamic learning hub, where literature and the promotion of whole-school literacy support and compliment all aspects of teaching and learning. I encourage you to speak to your child/ren about reading, visiting the library, engaging with the plethora of resources available there and utilising the expertise of our library staff, under the direction of our Library Manager, Mrs Carolyn Hermann.

Kirk Thomas - Director of Teaching and Learning