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What is your role at Hume Anglican Grammar?

Head of Curriculum - Secondary

Do you have a Motto or personal mantra? 

"Always to shine,
to shine everywhere,
to the very deeps of the last days,
to shine.
Thus runs my motto -
and the sun’s!"  - Vladimir Mayakovsky

What’s one thing you couldn’t live without? 


Who has had the biggest impact on your career thus far and why?

My parents – they believed in education.

Favourite travel spot? 


What’s the weirdest job you’ve ever had?  

For someone who knows nothing about cars, I had a stint as an occasional writer for the car section in The Age when Bill Tuckey was the editor.

How do you define success?

Doing what you do well, without fanfare, in a way that serves others.

Tell us two things most people don’t know about you…
1. Both sides of my family migrated from England in the 1860s and were pioneers of different parts of Melbourne. Chivers Road in Templestowe    is named after my mother’s side and Toogood’s Rise in Box Hill after my father’s.
2. I’m a member of the Melbourne Dickens Fellowship. Think of it as a Charles Dickens book club. We meet once a month and new members are always welcome!   

Jennifer Johnston









Dawn Gordon - Director of Community Development