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Sculptors With Time and Clay on Hand

Students in Years 5 and Year 6 experienced Sculptural Art in Term 2. Time and space were easily forgotten as they immersed themselves into the process of creating artistic forms from slabs of clay and painting their finished pieces. At the end of the lesson, these were some of the reflections from the students.

I discovered how clay is not that easy and you need to do a lot to not make it break. - Jasleen 6C

The thing I enjoyed most is moulding the clay and learning the right technique. - Vincent 6C

I enjoyed clay sculpting as I learned the anatomy of a sculpture and how to make a sculpture. - Martin 5B

I enjoyed sculpting my elephant because it gave me joy and happiness. I loved mixing the paint to get the exact right colour for the skin. - Ruby 5B

My challenge was getting the clay thick enough not to crack. None of that happened and I made a pretty thing. - Charli 5B

Joanna Ng - Teacher