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Interschool Sports - Donnybrook

On Friday, 27 May a number of our sporting teams took part in our local Interschool Sports Competition for the second time in 2022. Our students embraced the opportunity to compete against schools in AFL, Soccer and Netball and represented our school with great pride.

Below you will find some reflection pieces from students who participated on the day.

Last Friday, students from Year 6 competed against other schools as a trial for the winter sports. Once we got to the field we were playing at, we found out we couldn’t play because according to the rules, we needed 7 players for a game. Due to people being away, we only had 5 players (Me, Noor, Sehajnoor, Toshani, Jasnoor.) So, we didn’t even actually know if we would be able to play matches or not. Our teacher and the Mt Ridley campus decided that since their girls’ team had 9 players instead of 7, our team could play with 2 of their players. At the start, all of us were scared and indescribably nervous, however we got the hang of it and did fairly good for our first time. Out of 4 matches, we won 1 game. Unfortunately, this means we didn’t move on to the next round. In the end each of us had a lot of fun and will definitely do soccer next term.  - Alisha, 6X 

My name is Matilda, and I was on the girl’s netball team for interschool sports. We had the best fun at interschool sports on the 27 May. I already knew how to play and so did most of my team. The other girls on the team were Ekam, Kavina, Tavleen, Taigveer, Snehat, Alice, and Despina. Some of the others didn’t know how to play so I made two charts on where the positions are allowed and how to line up when starting the game. We had already decided what positions we were mainly going to do so we were organised and ready. I played GD (Goal Defence) for a bit but for the rest I played GA (Goal Attack) which I was really enjoying. Some days I’m good at shooting goals but other days I’m not and Friday at interschool sports it was an amazing shooting day for me. We shared around the positions for a while until we found who was best for which position. None of us cared how many games we lost just as long as we were having fun and we were. We lost all the games except one: Donnybrook VS Mt Ridley. We were jumping around with happiness and joy. We couldn’t have been happier at that moment because it was our last game, we had fun, and even won one game which was a bonus. We also got into the top five teams in fifth place. The main thing was we learnt new things and we had fun! - Matilda, 6Y

As we finished off our day of soccer, we were puffed out. It had been a fun day, but now the day is over. Most of us were upset because we didn’t win a match but drew one. The girls were lucky, they won one. Nonetheless, we were tired. We stopped to play at the playground, which was fun. I guess we can’t win everything. Sports day (Soccer Day) showed people courage, confidence, and friendship. We might’ve faced difficulties, but everyone played their hearts out. It was also a day of bonding with other schools and people, meeting friends and most importantly, having fun. The boys’ soccer team faced many challenges, like arguments and fights, defeats, and losses. But we ended with happiness. I would like to say thank you to Oxley, our coach and mentor and Ms Moore for taking us here. It was an experience. No matter how many times we were defeated, we never gave up. - Paramjodh, 6X

Hi, my name is Tania and I took part in the footy at interschool sports. This was a new experience for me as I have never played footy before, but slowly I started to learn how to play the game and I enjoyed it very much. At the start of our first game, I was the rock meaning that I had to tap the ball towards our opponent’s goal. At first, I couldn’t hit the ball but then I realised I have to be quick and jump really high. A new skill that I learnt was tackling. I really enjoyed getting the opportunity to tackle get the ball and kick it in the goal. The girls in my team were Japneet, Parnika, Harleen, Sehaj, Jasmeet and me. All of us knew very little of how to play footy but when we watched the mixed team and made a chart of all our positions, we all were more confident. Unfortunately, we lost three out of four matches, but we did win our last match against the Mt Ridley campus. We scored 36 points and Mt Ridley scored 7 points. But none of that mattered at the end the important thing was that we all had fun. - Tania, 6Y

Krystal Crichton - Co-Curricular Coordinator (Donnybrook)