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Hume Anglican Grammar

Hume Anglican Grammar is a dual campus, independent Prep to Year 12 coeducational School, proudly offering an affordable private education with a focus on educational excellence and student wellbeing.

‘Student wellbeing at the core’ — is the message that echoes throughout Hume. This, our fundamental belief is that young people who are genuinely happy will engage, aspire and thrive within our learning community. We provide a nurturing high-quality education at an accessible cost to most, which cherishes each child so they may truly flourish. By establishing high standards in all that we do, every student is encouraged and supported to discover and fulfil their unique potential.

Hume is a progressive school, not just in the development of buildings and grounds, but also in innovative thinking and advancements in our approach to teaching and learning. This is led by a group of dedicated and expert teachers who practise their craft with skill, and by building the strongest of relationships with our students. It is not by chance that we have young people who readily display warmth, humour and respect for one another and their teachers.

Our Values

We embrace the following core values:

1. Christian - an inclusive Christian community in the Anglican tradition built upon compassion and service to others.
2. Excellence - high standards in all that we do and individuals realising their full potential.
3. Resilience - a positive approach, founded upon realistic expectations and flexible actions that help us deal with the challenges of life.
4. Respect - principled and disciplined; we care for ourselves and value others.
5. Integrity - a community whose members are accountable, responsible and trustworthy.
6. Safety - care for the health and wellbeing of all members of our community.

Teaching and Learning

We offer a broad, values-centred curriculum, compliant with the Australian Curriculum Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA). We are structured into two schools for the purposes of the delivery of the academic program, pastoral care and organisation of leadership. 

Each of the schools (Primary and Secondary) caters for the individual needs of students and implements practices appropriate for that developmental stage. Most importantly, one of the great benefits of a Prep to Year 12 school is the smooth transition we can provide between the Primary and Secondary areas. Also, an additional class is added at Year 7 so there are a number of new students commencing in Secondary School. These junior secondary years are vibrant, challenging and appropriate to adolescents. 

The School is in close partnership with the local Parish of Hume and St Peter’s Church, with whom we share facilities.  Spiritual learning plays a part in our curriculum and we welcome students from all denominations and faith backgrounds, as well as children from families with no particular religious commitment. 

Students are offered an environment where they can achieve academic excellence and grow. As an Anglican School we are bound by strong values and have high expectations of our staff and students.

Each student is cherished for their own individual strengths so they may be nurtured to prosper and flourish. At the heart of the purpose at Hume Anglican Grammar is a commitment to developing lifelong learners and every student is encouraged and supported to discover and fulfil their unique potential - whether it be academic, sporting or artistic.

We believe that an education at Hume should be accessible to all who wish to enjoy its benefits. As such, fees are consciously set to be as affordable as practicable to meet the needs of families.