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Secondary News

It was a great pleasure to welcome back the 2021 Dux, Jessica Singh, to address the Secondary school in our assembly last Friday. Jessica spoke to the students about her journey, how she approached the VCE and provided advice about setting goals and working hard to achieve them. Jessica was articulate, inspiring and showed what a role model she is for all Hume Anglican Grammar students.

At the same assembly it was wonderful to induct two of our Student Leaders who were absent for our Commencement Service (Louis Harrison and Jasmine Singh) and to see such a large group of Year 10 students being presented with their Peer Support Badges. The winner of the Summer Reading Challenge was drawn and students were encouraged to participate in the Performing Arts co-curricular activities that are being offered this year.

Reports, presentations and reflections on the Secondary Swimming Carnival and the Year 12 Retreat were also a highlight of the assembly which was ably hosted by our School Captains and led by students.

It has been a busy start to the year and what a pleasure it was to witness and celebrate the things that have already been achieved.

Jeremy Martin - Assistant Principal - Secondary