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When I look back through the Semester 1 school calendar, I cannot help but be amazed at the number of events and experiences our students have been involved in. It all began on the students first school day of 2021 with a Primary school Commencement ceremony to mark the first day of a new year. Since then, we have had numerous excursions and incursions, school camps, swimming carnival and lessons, gala sport days, cross country, Anzac Day commemorations, Mothers’ Day morning and stall, NAPLAN, Founders’ Day celebrations and school photographs, not to mention the hundreds of hours of day-to-day learning experiences. The opportunities are abundant in the Primary school and Semester 2 is sure to follow suit.

Earlier in the week I was watching with intrigue as the enormous crane lifted roof sheets for our new Sports Centre. Now that the external frame is complete, the size and magnitude of this construction has become apparent. I’m sure you will all agree that the inconvenience and carpark delays due to construction works will all be worth it when our students first have access to this magnificent facility.

Please take the opportunity to recharge your batteries over the term break in preparation for a return to school on Tuesday, 13 July. We hit the ground running in Term 3 with the re-introduction of student lunch orders, sibling school photographs, a Year 1 excursion, our Years 3 - 6 Athletics day, filming our Primary Concert items and the Year 5 camp to Sovereign Hill. There is never a dull moment in the Primary school and we look forward to another wonderful semester at Hume Anglican Grammar.

Luke Friend - Assistant Principal - Primary