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In Year 3, students have been studying the text ‘Matilda’ by Roald Dahl. They have been learning about assorted comprehension strategies including identifying the main idea of a chapter, as well as comparing and contrasting characters and their personality traits. In addition, they have been making connections between the text and their own lives. One of the tasks they had was to compare Miss Trunchbull, the Headmistress of Crunchem Hall, and our one and only, Assistant Principal, Mr Luke Friend. The students enjoyed the lighter side of this task and came up with many creative comparisons, not only the physical characteristics, but also personality traits and leadership styles.

Needless to say, there were a few that Mr Friend found particularly endearing:

Mr Friend and Miss Trunchbull are very different because in the text Miss Trunchbull throws people and Mr Friend would never do that. Miss Trunchbull is a maniac whereas Mr Friend is SUPER DOOPER nice. - Niamh 3A

Miss Trunchbull is a girl, mean, unkind, rude, loud, yells, does hammer throw with people, disrespectful and non-encouraging, frightful, scary, not gentle and makes the kids scared and unsafe. Meanwhile Mr Friend is a boy, kind, gentle, caring, thoughtful, respectful, encouraging, shows resilience, makes the children feel happy, safe, confident and successful and lets our colours shine. - Isaac 3A

Mr Friend and Miss Trunchbull are very different because Mr Friend is organised but Miss Trunchbull is unorganised - Arpit 3B

Mr Friend has a very sophisticated fashion sense, he always wears his suit and tie. Miss Trunchbull has terrible fashion, she wears brown cotton smock, with bottle green breeches and green stockings. Mr Friend is very friendly. His name has friend in it! Miss Trunchbull is super duper mean. She hates everyone, especially little children. Mr Friend is very cheerful everyday; whereas Miss Trunchbull is always in a bad mood. - Meher 3C

Below is a collation of a number of responses from across the year level, which really do highlight the differences and similarities between Miss Trunchbull and Mr Friend. As can be plainly seen there are some themes that stand out more than others.

Aaron Butcher - Assistant Head of Wellbeing 3 - 6 (Mt Ridley)