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The Year 4 Ingenuities students at Donnybrook have been preparing for the upcoming Primary School Illuminate NextGen Challenge. A part of their preparation has been applying problem-solving skills to different scenarios across all facets of the curriculum.

This week they took on the Nine Colours Challenge from Nrich Maths. This is a great challenge for manipulation and patterns and applying preciously learnt problem-solving skills. The strategy is also linked to how the students solved the Rubik’s Cube earlier in the term. Arian Ajith has provided a reflection below.

I used my Rubik’s Cube skills to make a three by three cube with three lots of nine colours. I made sure all the sides had one of each colour on every side. I used all 27 cubes to make my cube. I applied the strategy of solving a Rubik’s Cube by making sure three towers had the same three colours but in different patterns. I then applied this thinking to the next set of three towers and three colours until I solved the challenge. I enjoy Year 4 Ingenuities each week because I like using my brain to solve problems. - Arian - Year 4 Donnybrook

Jade Rhodes - Coordinator of Learning Enhancement (Primary)