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Exploring Language at Kalkallo

The students of Kalkallo are engaging in learning the Italian language and showing enjoyment when participating in lessons. They have been learning how to greet one another and with modelling and lots of practice have become familiar with how to say Ciao (Hello/Goodbye), Buongiorno (Good morning) and Buon Pomeriggio (Good afternoon). They are also great at introducing themselves by saying Mi chiamo which means ‘My name is..’ followed by their name.

Students are currently learning about simple phrases and how to communicate their response. They are learning how to ask each other Come stai? which means How are you?. They are also learning how to respond and continue the conversation with their peers by responding e tu? Which means, ‘and you?’. Some of the responses children chose included:

I am good thank you- Sto bene grazie

I am very well thank you- Sto molto bene grazie

I am okay thank you- Sto cosi cosi

I am not well - Sto male

It is exciting to watch the children build the foundations of their Italian language skills with enthusiasm and curiosity.

Elle Pace - Teacher